What Are the Characteristics of a Horror Film?
What Are the Characteristics of a 12 kilometers Horror Film? Learn about the audience, villains, setting, and more! Horror films have long been a popular genre, and the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts (AMPA) regularly nominates films from this genre for Best Picture awards. In fact, the category has been represented on Oscar nomination lists for seven years running, with only one film winning an Oscar. Nominated films in this category include The Exorcist, The Sixth Sense, Jaws, Black Swan, and The Silence of the Lambs.
Characteristics of the genre
Horror films have several distinct characteristics that make them stand out from other types of films. In particular, they must contain some form of supernatural or surreal element to evoke fear in the audience. Such a monster can be large, an alien, a demon, or even a human being transformed into a monster. These are important elements for generating fright in the audience. Horror films often feature gore, shock, and other elements that provoke fear.
Characteristics of the genre’s audience
The average horror film has a younger audience than the average blockbuster. Its audience is made up of horror fans, who enjoy the unique storylines and characters in these films. While some people prefer action movies, paranormal ones are more popular with female viewers. Overall, horror films have a younger audience than other genres. Here are some characteristics of the genre’s audience:
Characteristics of the genre’s villains
The role of a genre’s villains can be described as one that emphasizes their desire for power and wealth. These characters are typically once good and are now corrupt. These villains typically aim to dominate an area and may involve supernatural intervention. They are common in many genres, including action and drama. The following are some of the most common characteristics of genre villains. Read on to learn more about each of them.
Characteristics of the genre’s setting
Horror films are known for exploring dark and transgressive subjects. Depending on the setting, horror movies may deal with supernatural creatures, apocalyptic events, or religious or folk beliefs. Other types of horror films incorporate cinematic techniques that provoke psychological reactions in the audience. Despite the varied setting of these films, some common characteristics of horror movies can be found in most of them. Below are some examples of the types of settings that horror films may take place in.
Characteristics of the genre’s storyline
The storyline of the horror genre consists of several core elements. The most important of these is the climax, when the protagonist’s Core Need is threatened or violated. The climax ties together all other core essentials. The Core Need of the protagonist defines the Core Value at stake in the story, evoking a Core Emotion in the reader. The protagonist must confront his fears or suffer the consequences. The horror genre also employs genre conventions to define the storyworld and circumstances.